Unsuccessful ATM Transactions' Reimbursement

Many times, ATM machine do not give cash due to internet link problem and inter-bank data retrieval issues. However, customer keep on trying to get the cash out of the ATM Machine
. Some times due to unclear reasons, the amount of transaction is deducted although it was not a successful transaction. It happens when you are using an ATM machine of a bank other than where your account actually lies. You may not get the money but your account balance is down due to that transaction. In that case you need to request to the manager to reimburse the amount of unsuccessful ATM transactions. here is a sample for such unsuccessful ATM transactions and other related issues:

The Manager
Your Bank Name

Subject: Re-imbursement of Unsuccessful ATM Transaction Amounts

Reference Account No. (Your Bank Account Number).

I inserted my ATM at an ATM Machine of Bank Alfalah, Khanna Pul Branch on January 20, 2010 morning at around 0800 Hrs. The system took long time and then responded as “General Processing Error” despite trying three times.  I drew my card without transaction.

I made successful transaction of Rs. 5000 at MCB Melody branch ATM only but all unsuccessful transactions tried early morning were also debited from my account.

It is requested that all unsuccessful transaction amounts may kindly be re-imbursed in my account and such mal-functioning of software may be resolved permanently.  

your name
account number
contact number and address

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